Workshops and Specialty Classes
From time to time we will be offering specialty classes and workshops. Subscribe to our website to stay up-to-date on these offerings. Classes will be also be announced on our Facebook and Instagram pages and our newsletter.
Full Moon Yoga Nidra
None scheduled
$00 (plus tax)
Yoga Nidra is known as yogic sleep.
It is lead by guided meditation. It's a practice that draws our attention inwards, and we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep, where our body finds its natural state of equilibrium (homeostasis).
The breath balances and becomes quiet, unconscious and conscious aspects of the mind reveal themselves, and we fall into an innate state of deep, blissful awareness.
Add to this experience, the healing power of the full moon, and you have a recipe to set you up for a month of beautiful vibrations!
This practice is to be experienced by all levels, whether you practice yoga and/or meditation, or not, this is an experience not to be passed by!!
We have everything you need to find peace in this blissful session, however if you feel more comfortable with your own props, blankets or eye pillows, feel free to bring them.
Spots are limited to 16 people, and they go quickly!! So don't hesitate!!
Healing Crystals Workshop
None scheduled
$00 (plus tax)
Join Sarah and Jodi, immediately following Yoga Nidra, as they discuss several different crystals and their healing properties. You will be able to choose your favorite to take home!
Learn about the history and lore of moon water, as well as the ritual of setting intentions during this powerful time of the moon cycle. Receive your own mason jar of moon water!
All crystals will be available for purchase, along with a few items for wearing them!
Please join us for the first of its kind workshop here at Hands to Heart!!
Yin Yoga
Crystal Bowl Sound Bath
Monday, July 24, 2023
7:00 - 8:15 PM
$30 (plus tax)
Come join us for a beautiful practice of Yin Yoga and the sounds of a crystal bowl sound bath!
Yin yoga balances the nervous system, as you rest in longer-held postures (3-5min.) to stimulate the non-contractile connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, joint capsules, fascia).

This can help with flexibility, circulation, and muscle recovery.
Yin allows a space to quiet the mind and heal.
Sound "baths" for healing have been used in a variety of cultures for thousands of years. It's been known to help heal many ailments from mental disorders, to boosting morale, to making people work faster.
​Crystal bowls produce vibrations that alter the brain waves and help to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.
Sound has the ability to positively affect our whole being, when vibrations travel through body, they can promote circulation, energy flow and rejuvenation, this can help with sleep disorders, stress menagement, anxiety, etc.
The beautiful combination of a Yin physical practice, while being 'bathed' in sound, is meant for anyone to enjoy at any time.
Spots are limited to 12 people so book early!
Healing Touch
Wednesday, December 6, 7-8:30pm
Engage your senses and restore your mind and body with this tranquil practice, in which asanas are held for several minutes without effort or force, using the support of provided props.
This practice allows the body to relax deeply while the mind rests. It helps reduce physical and mental stress, and helps the release of negative thoughts and feelings.
Incorporating the soothing scents and healing properties of a variety of essential oils (DoTerra), takes the benefits of this practice to the next level! Whether diffused into the air, rubbed into your palms, dripped onto a cotton ball, or infused into eye pillows you will experience the serenity and peace brought on by these oils.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, add in healing touch. Jodi and Allison are Reiki certified. Reiki is an ancient healing technique based on the principle that energy can be channeled by the practitioner to the client, by means of gentle touch, to activiate the natural healing process of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
This amazing healing practice is appropriate and essential for all experience levels. You won't regret opening your mind and heart to this practice!
Crystal Bowl Sound Bath
Sound for healing has been used in a variety of cultures for thousands of years. It's been known to help heal many ailments from mental disorders, to boosting morale, to making people work faster.
There are various techniques and instruments, but they ALL produce vibrations that alter the brain waves and they ALL have the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.
Sound has the ability to positively affect our whole being, when vibrations travel through body, they can promote circulation, energy flow and rejuvenation, it can help with:
sleep disorders
stress management
blood pressure
stress and pain management
Does this make sound baths a “cure-all”? NO…but it can HELP facilitate healing when used in conjunction w/ other tools…yoga, meditation, sleep, healthy diet, etc.
This beautiful, receptive practice is meant for anyone to enjoy at any time. The use of props helps to create a safe, comfortable environment which allows for maximum relaxation and integration of sound.
Look out for other upcoming workshops...
Essential oils and how to use them in your daily lives...
Making and using Mala beads...
Gentle yoga flow with live folk music...
Osteopenia and Osteoperosis and practices to help...
Paint and sip...
How to meditate...
Chanting and mantras...
Chakra series